
Agent: Talent Management Group         IMDb: Andrew Dee Jones 

Acting is about being present; being aware. As an actor I am constantly challenged to be where I’m at when I’m there, on and off set. This effort to pay attention to everything – really seeing, really feeling, really listening – everywhere, every place, every day – also enables me to more fully appreciate the people and experiences that make up my life. And, because one cannot actually “become” anything other than what one actually is, playing a role requires that I honestly consider everything I am at face value. How frightening and humbling it is to accept that I have nothing to offer except myself as the raw material with which to create! Thankfully, one important part of who I am – who each one of us is – is our imagination.  For me, that seems to be the key to becoming.

Playlist of recent TV commercials and industrial videos

Talent Resume

Click the link to view or print my resume from within GoogleDocs (no sign-in required)

Andy Jones Talent Resume

Theatrical Reel 

My reel is in need of an update, so I have removed it from the site. It’ll be posted when the editing is complete. Cheers!